
Posts Tagged ‘mlm on facebook’

MLM On Facebook- What You Need to Know…

February 10, 2012 2 comments

MLM On Facebook


It’s no doubt that social media is all the craze these days. Heck, Facebook is the second biggest internet site (behind the infamous Google), and is growing everyday. And with the economy the way it is in the U.S., people are desperately seeking for new ways to make money. Enter MLM, or Mulit-Level- Marketing.

But what happens when you try to build your MLM on Facebook? If you’re new to either, confusion might set in if you don’t have the slightest clue to know how to use them.


MLM on Facebook- The Basics


When trying to build your MLM on Facebook, two things come to mind:

1- Be yourself (this is CRUCIAL)

Nobody likes to be sold on something that they have no interest in. I see new MLM business people doing this all the time on Facebook. They have the mentality of a sales person and only want to get people in their opportunity by constantly “pitching” their business everywhere on Facebook, (their wall, group walls, and even their friends wall). Marketing tactics such as these cry out desperation, and are unprofessional. DON’T do it!

2- People do business with people they know, like, and trust.

It’s true! Here’s an example.

Say your car breaks down and you need some work done. Let’s also say that your neighbor (who happens to be an ASE certified mechanic) agrees to help you out, but you’re short on cash to buy the part that you need. (this actually happened to me a few years ago when my wifes tires needed fixing!) What happens next you think? Right! Your neighbor who knows, likes, and trusts you does business with you by borrowing you the money for the needed part! Sound too good to be true? Not if your neighbors or friends are decent human beings! So how does this tie in with building your MLM on Facebook?

mlm on facebook

MLM On Facebook- Create Trust With Your Prospects


You might be thinking to yourself, “How in the world can I get a complete stranger to join my MLM on Facebook?” Great question!

Here we go! Facebook is a breeding ground for MLM prospects. You just have to learn HOW to use it! Remember in the beginning of this article when I wrote “Be yourself” ? Do it! By simply showing the real you, ( and I mean your thoughts, concerns, and sincerity) to your Facebook friends, they’ll get to know, like, and TRUST you.

The second half of the trust equation MUST be this though, you need to give VALUE to you potential prospects. What does that mean? By simply offering information on HOW to market, you’ll attract people TO you rather than offending them which could lead to people blocking you on Facebook! So be yourself!


MLM On Facebook-Putting It All Together


To summarize, it is possible to build your MLM on Facebook with the right training. Facebook is as they say a “cashcow.” By simply being your genuine self, you’ll attract like-minded people who have the same interest as you. Get to know your new Facebook friends. Ask them questions by getting involved. Remember, this is social media. You act like yourself in public, so let’s do the same online and learn about other people and their interests. This in turn will have a dramatic effect in your business!

Want more information about Facebook marketing? Grab my free MLM on Facebook marketing training video!

mlm on facebook

How To Find MLM Prospects On Facebook

March 18, 2011 21 comments

How To Find MLM Prospects On Facebook

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last 5 years or so, Facebook is a social media site that lets its users share information within their group of friends to keep up on their daily lives.

A recent statistic shows that there are more than 500 million users on Facebook and close to 50%  log onto their Facebook account on any given day. An average 700 billion minutes per month are spent on Facebook by registered people.

So you should be able to recruit reps nonstop for your business from Facebook right? how to find mlm prospects

Not so fast.

How To Find MLM Prospects (The Right Way)


Facebook has been a breeding ground for active networkers who are trying to grab the attention of like-minded people to join their opportunity. The only problem with that is that they (the potential prospect) is probably in a network marketing business, and failing miserably.

A great way to stand out of the Facebook marketing noise is to simply….be yourself.

How many times have you received those annoying emails that advertise how much money you can make in 30 or 90 days? The same thing can and DOES happen on Facebook. Only it happens on a users profile wall, (which is REALLY annoying). People don’t like to be sold or “pitched”. People connect with people who are real and original. Remember the last time a salesperson “rubbed” you the wrong way? You didn’t do business with that person. You made a connection with somebody else you felt comfortable with and was more helpful.

By simply offering help to others who are not reaching their goals in network marketing, you’ll attract prospects to you. You’ll form a relationship with them, and when the timing is right for your prospect, guess who’s opportunity they’ll join? That’s right YOURS!

You can try to figure out how to use Facebook for prospecting on your own. Or you can view my free video I put together that will save you tons of time. Grab your free Facebook training video below, to learn how to find mlm prospects today!

how to find mlm prospects