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What Is Amway? Also, Is Amway A Scam?

What Is Amway? And Is Amway A Scam?


There’s no doubt that if you’ve ever been approached by somebody about a home base business, the one question that most likely popped in your mind was, “Is it Amway?”  That’s how powerful the Amway name is. That leads to the question most people ask after that, “Is Amway a scam?” Let’s dig a little deeper shall we?


What Is Amway, and How Does It Work?


Founded in 1959, Amway is a direct selling company and manufacturer that uses network marketing, (also known as direct selling), which uses the multi-level marketing business structure , to sell a variety of products, primarily in the health, beauty, and home care products. Each Amway representatives main goal is to share the Amway business model, by selling Amway products, and /or recruiting their customers into becoming Amway reps themselves. This is known as duplication in the network marketing industry.

Although there has been some accusations about Amway being a scam, nothing vould be further from the truth. New Amway reps who start off their business, are usually excited to make the big money they might have been promised to by their sponsor. If their goals are not met when they thought, they probably get frustrated and quit building their Amway business, and say it’s a scam. This is why the MLM industry has a “bad” reputation. Close to 97% of people who start any type of work from home business end up quitting the industry when they don’t get the easy money they were hoping for.


what is amway

How Can You Make Money With Amway If There’s No Scam?


That’s a great question, and my answer is this. With the way our society gets our information, we’re always looking for quicker and faster. Well I’m here to tell you that you can make money in the network marketing industry, IF you’re willing to do the work. If you don’t treat your Amway business like a real business, you won’t get very far. But if you roll up your sleeves and get cracking, you could make some serious money. Remember though, Amway is a network marketing business, and not everybody you talk to wants to join your Amway business. So how do you find people to talk to?


Recruiting For Your Amway Business


Like any other network marketing opportunity, Amway requires each IBO (Independent Busines Owner) to talk to people who might be interested in joining an MLM based business to make extra money from home. Not everybody will be open to hearing your business opportunity with Amway, which could lead to frustration and the idea of quitting.

Many new Amway IBO’s will try to recruit their neighbors, friends, and family members into their business. While some might say “Yes”, more will say “No” to their opportunity. In order to have true success with any MLM business, you need to have a fresh list of leads and contacts to talk to regarding your opportunity.


How To Find Amway Leads


Finding fresh leads and contacts from the internet to talk about your  Amway opportunity to can be quite easy, if you have a proven marketing system to help you succeed. Learning how to leverage the internet to build your Amway business can be overwhelming if you are trying to do it on your own. Or you can have a team of experts to train you in your journey.

If having people calling YOU, and asking YOU about your Amway opportunity appeals to you, that most IBO’s can’t tell you about, click on the link below.

CLick here to learn how to generate laser targeted leads for your Amway business, without ever chasing your friends or family members.

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